tulgey takes a sip!

I am so happy to share that tulgey is successfully review-funded. This means a few things for this project:

  • art and maps (I am now longlisting artists to commission art from, if that’s you or you have a recommendation, please please DM me anywhere.)
  • the text of tulgey wood will be available in installments shooting for completion in late August. Ko-fi supporters have access to NPC development and table creation polls and will be named in the final product.
  • there is now a $5 and $15 tier for supporting this project.

There are 3 Installments left to complete this project which will have a final price of $15. (Installment 1 - early August, Installment 2 and 3 - TBD)

So much thanks to all who have supported this adventure already with ratings and comments.

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